Wednesday, August 1, 2012

How to make Mochi Ice Cream

This was already my second attempt at making Mochi Ice Cream. Making mochi ice cream was pretty messy, so I wasn't able to take a picture of all the steps in detail, so I apologize in advance.

You will need:
  • 1 cup glutinous rice flour
  • 1 1/3 cup white sugar
  • 2/3 cup water
  • 6 large scoops of Ice Cream (or as much as you can use to fill up the mochi dough)
Mix together the flour, sugar and water in a microwave safe bowl

Cover bowl loosely with Cling Wrap (leave room for breathing space) and microwave for 3 minutes on medium

In the meantime, I taped my dough preparation sheet to the counter and spread cornstarch generously all over it. This is a must because otherwise the dough will stick.

Take the mixture out of the microwave and stir thoroughly. To make life easier, I used my hand mixer until the mixture was smooth. Cover again with cling wrap and microwave for 2 minutes on medium. Repeat process (with decreasing amounts of time in the microwave) until mixture is glossy. Taste it to be sure it is done.

Pour out the (very) sticky mixture onto your floured surface and allow to cool for a while.

Dust cornstarch on top of the mixture and spread out the mixture until it's about 6 mm thin (Don't make it too thin or else it might break and leak). Divide the sheet to 6 pieces or more, depending on the size of your ice cream scoops. Scoop the ice cream onto the mochi dough sheet and pinch to seal (to keep it from leaking). You'll have to work pretty fast to keep the ice cream from melting and leaking all over your hands.To make life easier I cut up sheets of wax paper and put them onto a muffin pan, then put the mochi ice cream in it for somewhat uniform shapes while re-freezing

I froze my mochi ice cream overnight and brought some to work the next day. Enjoy! :)

Mine was Strawberry!
My office mate's mochi was filled with chocolate
Strawberry and Chocolate!
Just have fun with the whole process. The first time I tried making it the ice cream wasn't hard enough and the sheets were too thin so they started leaking... I ended up eating most of them on the spot! (Oops it leaked! *Nomnomnomnom*)

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